Sunday, January 13, 2013

Foul ball

Tompa told me about an outing he and granny went on one summer day when they were new parents. Folks were picnicking and the men were playing baseball. Royce was just an infant and wanted to be fed. Granny sat down under a tree and was nursing the baby when a foul ball came flying through the air right at her. Sure enough - wham! The baseball hit granny in the chest just inches above Royce's little head. I'm sure she said more than Ouch! But I'm also sure that she was more than happy to take the blow rather than her baby boy. Bob, Patty, Carol, Robbie, Cody, Cori, Jason, Crystal, Brooke, Owen, Luke, Clara, Ethan, Ernest, Eleanor, and Emma should feel relieved, too.

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