Saturday, December 29, 2012


Howdy!  Welcome to Blackwell Family Stories.  We hope to see everyone associated with the Weslaco, TX Blackwells post their stories and remembrances.

1 comment:

  1. OK. Here's another one. Tompa and Granny had lived on farms/ranches during their youth. I guess at some point he decided he wanted a different kind of life and became a policeman in Waco. I don't know how long that lasted, but I do remember that he said there was a flood in the city, and his job had him rescuing "whores" from rooftops in a rowboat.

    He also took the family to Oklahoma for awhile and somehow became the superintendent of the school system (which was probably a one room schoolhouse). As I remember hearing it the teacher was having trouble with one of the kids and give him a whipping. The kid's father came up to the school and gave the teacher a whipping. So Tompa, being the superintendent, went to see the father, and gave HIM a whipping. In retaliation, the father burned the school house down. After that Tompa and family left and went back to Texas.

